Driving Offences Fee
When you book to see our experts initially they will offer you with full advice, which will always be confirmed in writing within two working days, please be aware that there would be a fee of £350 plus VAT (at the applicable rate which is at 20 percent). This will include the following services:
- A detailed consultation with you;
- Consideration of any documents/ evidence;
- Providing advice in relation to plea and likely sentence;
- Where appropriate, advice on whether an exceptional hardship, or special reasons argument should be made;
- A detailed letter of advice setting out the legal position and options available to you;
In appropriate circumstances and for an additional fee of £350 plus VAT (at the applicable rate) we will:
- Draft a plea in mitigation and send it to the relevant court; and
- Draft a letter asking the prosecuting authority to discontinue the case or substitute a lesser charge.
If your matter is not resolved in the initial stages and you want our experts to represent you at a magistrate's court hearing for your driving offence matter, the applicable fee would be £750 plus VAT (at the applicable rate) for representation at a single hearing.
For representation at a magistrate's court trial, the fee would be £1,500 plus VAT (at the applicable rate) for the first day and an additional fee of £600 plus VAT (at the applicable rate) for each subsequent day.
The fee does not include:
- Instruction of any expert witnesses
- Taking statements from any witnesses
- Advice and assistance in relation to a special reasons hearing
- Advice or assistance in relation to any appeal
Worked example of Fixed Rate Costs
Driving Offence - Guilty Plea Fee
Example- Speeding offence, guilty plea- Fixed Fee is set at £750 plus VAT (at the applicable rate). Fee includes:
- Attendance/preparation:
- Considering evidence
- Taking your instructions
- Providing advice on likely sentence
- Considering evidence
- Attendance and representation at a single hearing at the Magistrates Court
The fee does not include:
- Instruction of any expert witnesses;
- Taking statements from any witnesses;
- Advice and assistance in relation to a special reasons hearing;
- Advice or assistance in relation to any appeal;
The key stages of your matter are based on the presumption that you have entered a guilty plea and have a date for your hearing.
- Meet with your solicitor to provide instructions on what happened;
- We will consider initial disclosure, and any other evidence and provide advice.
- Arranging to take any witness statements if necessary (this will have an additional cost, of £600 plus VAT (at the applicable rate);
- We will explain the court procedure to you, so you know what to expect on the day of your hearing, and the sentencing options available to the court;
- We will conduct any further preparatory work, obtain further instructions from you if necessary and answer any follow up queries you have;
- We cannot provide a timescale of when your hearing will take place, as this depends on the court listing for that day;
- We will attend court on the day and meet with you before going before the court. We anticipate being at court for half a day;
- We will discuss the outcome with you. If advice is required on appeal, this will carry an additional cost.
Application for Exceptional Hardship is £750 plus VAT (at the applicable rate)
Application for Special Reasons, lasting up to half a day £1,500 plus VAT (at the applicable rate)
Applications for Special Reasons, lasting up to a full day £2,400 plus VAT (at the applicable rate)
The costs above are in relation to attendance at Tameside, Manchester, Stockport, Bolton, Bradford and Sheffield Magistrates' Courts. Our fees will be higher if attendance is required at any other Court to reflect the additional travelling time. We charge £96 per hour for travelling and 54p per mile (plus any parking costs). These figures include VAT.
The fees quoted above are for the services provided by our professionals and do not include the following disbursements- Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Barrister fees or expert reports.
- Any Barrister fees. A Barrister can be instructed upon request. Barrister fees would need to be negotiated on an individual basis
- Independent expert reports e.g. medical experts. These are not required in many cases: we will let you know as soon as possible if we consider an expert report is necessary.
- Interpreters fees on average range between at £48 per hour to £95 per hour plus VAT (at the applicable rate). If there are any Interpreter fees, we will advise you of these on instruction. Please note that you do not need to use an interpreter of our firms choosing. You can bring a friend to come and help interpret for you at our office.
How long will my case take?
This will depend on the offence and if the case is a guilty plea or is going to trial. The usual timescale for a driving offence case from when we are instructed is 3-6 months. All cases are likely to vary and of course, we can give you a more accurate timescale once we have more information about your specific case.
A worked example of timescales in a speeding offence:
In most speeding offence cases, you will receive a Notice of Intended Prosecution by post within 14 days. This requires you to respond within 28 days to clarify who was driving the vehicle at the time of the offence. If you are unable to provide the driver's ID in your response you must provide all the information within your power. This should include the full names, addresses, dates of birth and driving licence numbers of all the potential drivers. It will then take up to 6 months for the court to summons you. In the majority of speeding offence cases, upon returning the Notice of Intended Prosecution you will be issued a Fixed Penalty Notice. If you believe you have a case to answer then you will be required to contest the speeding charge in court. This can often be an unfamiliar and complicated process and can take up to 3-6 months.
Key contact for driving offences:
Azar Iqbal - Senior Partner and Solicitor Advocate
Azar qualified as a solicitor in 2010 and has over 10 years' experience in private client work specialising in motoring law.